Appellation of origin
Appellation of origin
Ingredients: Magro y grasa de cerdo, sal, especias, ajo, dextrina, leche en polvo, emulgentes, dextrosa, azúcar, lactosa, antioxidantes, conservadores, potenciadores del sabor.
Container: Cortado en finas lonchas y envasado al vacío
Mark: Extrem Puro Extremadura - Carretera N-521 Kilómetro 92 - 10560 Herreruela (España)
Weight: 80 gr.
The Extrem Puro Extremadura Iberian salchichón de bellota is an incomparable Iberian pleasure, thanks to its extreme quality, since it is made with the best lean meat from Iberian pigs and light touches of black pepper, and then left to dry in the cellar between 4 and 5 months, so it is not surprising that this sausage of exceptional dark red color, delight us with an overwhelming intensity of aromas that once on the palate surprises us with a juiciness and flavor frankly unmatched.
Directly from the Dehesa de Extremadura, natural habitat of the pure Iberian pig and cradle of the best Iberian products on the planet, Extrem Puro Extremadura, delights us with the best selection of Iberian products of our land, recognized and awarded both nationally and internationally, which is not surprising if we take into account that they have been producing and controlling their limited production for more than half a century
Ingredients: Magro y grasa de cerdo, sal, especias, ajo, dextrina, leche en polvo, emulgentes, dextrosa, azúcar, lactosa, antioxidantes, conservadores, potenciadores del sabor.
Container: Cortado en finas lonchas y envasado al vacío
Mark: Extrem Puro Extremadura - Carretera N-521 Kilómetro 92 - 10560 Herreruela (España)
Weight: 80 gr.
The Extrem Puro Extremadura Iberian salchichón de bellota is an incomparable Iberian pleasure, thanks to its extreme quality, since it is made with the best lean meat from Iberian pigs and light touches of black pepper, and then left to dry in the cellar between 4 and 5 months, so it is not surprising that this sausage of exceptional dark red color, delight us with an overwhelming intensity of aromas that once on the palate surprises us with a juiciness and flavor frankly unmatched.
Directly from the Dehesa de Extremadura, natural habitat of the pure Iberian pig and cradle of the best Iberian products on the planet, Extrem Puro Extremadura, delights us with the best selection of Iberian products of our land, recognized and awarded both nationally and internationally, which is not surprising if we take into account that they have been producing and controlling their limited production for more than half a century