Ingredients: Cilantro, sal yodada (sal, yodato de potasio), Mostaza, azúcar, ajo, Jengibre, Comino, Chile, Cúrcuma, Cebolla, Pimiento Negro, Alholva, Cardamomo, Alcaravea, Canela, laurel, Clavo, Pimienta blanca. Sin aditivos.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: NoMU - 41 Aviation Crescent Airport City - 7490 Cape Town (Sudáfrica)
Weight: 70 gr.
Also known as curry, it is nothing more than an aromatic blend of spicy spices from India. Specifically, the ones suggested by the prestigious brand "NoMU" are so exceptional that they manage to bring the intensity and flavor of Indian cuisine to recipes inspired by the exotic cuisine of this country.
We propose an easy and delicious recipe, for this generously add a little bit of this mixture to the meat, lamb, chicken or seafood and start browning them together with some onion, chop some tomatoes and add them to the rest, let it all cook slowly until you see that the tomatoes are very tender and golden, a simple recipe that will surely impress you.
Ingredients: Cilantro, sal yodada (sal, yodato de potasio), Mostaza, azúcar, ajo, Jengibre, Comino, Chile, Cúrcuma, Cebolla, Pimiento Negro, Alholva, Cardamomo, Alcaravea, Canela, laurel, Clavo, Pimienta blanca. Sin aditivos.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: NoMU - 41 Aviation Crescent Airport City - 7490 Cape Town (Sudáfrica)
Weight: 70 gr.
Also known as curry, it is nothing more than an aromatic blend of spicy spices from India. Specifically, the ones suggested by the prestigious brand "NoMU" are so exceptional that they manage to bring the intensity and flavor of Indian cuisine to recipes inspired by the exotic cuisine of this country.
We propose an easy and delicious recipe, for this generously add a little bit of this mixture to the meat, lamb, chicken or seafood and start browning them together with some onion, chop some tomatoes and add them to the rest, let it all cook slowly until you see that the tomatoes are very tender and golden, a simple recipe that will surely impress you.