Ingredients: Arroz sushi
Container: Bolsa de Kraft
Mark: Arroz Sivaris - Calle Irlanda s/n Polígono Industrial Olivarons - 46430 Sollana (España)
Weight: 500 gr.
Traditionally cultivated in Southeast Asia, this rice of the japonica variety, presents a round and crystalline grain, which as its name suggests, is the most appropriate for preparing sushi, since after cooking it becomes very sticky, acquiring a very smooth and homogeneous texture.
Our Recommendations:
We advise you to use one and a half proportions of water for every one of rice. Its cooking time is 18 minutes, after which it will maintain the soft texture needed to prepare a delicious sushi.
Ingredients: Arroz sushi
Container: Bolsa de Kraft
Mark: Arroz Sivaris - Calle Irlanda s/n Polígono Industrial Olivarons - 46430 Sollana (España)
Weight: 500 gr.
Traditionally cultivated in Southeast Asia, this rice of the japonica variety, presents a round and crystalline grain, which as its name suggests, is the most appropriate for preparing sushi, since after cooking it becomes very sticky, acquiring a very smooth and homogeneous texture.
Our Recommendations:
We advise you to use one and a half proportions of water for every one of rice. Its cooking time is 18 minutes, after which it will maintain the soft texture needed to prepare a delicious sushi.