Ingredients: Azúcar, comino, sal yodada (sal, yodato de potasio), cilantro, pimienta negra, perejil, canela, chile, jengibre, nuez moscada, cúrcuma, clavo, aceite de naranja. Sin aditivos.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: NoMU - 41 Aviation Crescent Airport City - 7490 Cape Town (Sudáfrica)
Weight: 65 gr.
This exotic and original blend of spices provides our dishes with a simple gesture, all the warm and intense flavor of Moroccan cuisine, created and crafted by the prestigious brand "NoMU". The "Moroccan" is also one of their most appreciated and popular gourmet seasonings.
A spice blend ideal for all Moroccan cuisine recipes, whether it's cous cous, tagine or kebabs, which will frankly surprise you!
Ingredients: Azúcar, comino, sal yodada (sal, yodato de potasio), cilantro, pimienta negra, perejil, canela, chile, jengibre, nuez moscada, cúrcuma, clavo, aceite de naranja. Sin aditivos.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: NoMU - 41 Aviation Crescent Airport City - 7490 Cape Town (Sudáfrica)
Weight: 65 gr.
This exotic and original blend of spices provides our dishes with a simple gesture, all the warm and intense flavor of Moroccan cuisine, created and crafted by the prestigious brand "NoMU". The "Moroccan" is also one of their most appreciated and popular gourmet seasonings.
A spice blend ideal for all Moroccan cuisine recipes, whether it's cous cous, tagine or kebabs, which will frankly surprise you!