Caja de Regalo Degustam
Caja de Regalo Degustam
Mark: Degustam - Calle Valle de Arán 5-7 Bajos - 08030 Barcelona
A summarily but excellent selection of genuinely premium gourmet products, we have put together this gourmet gift especially designed for truly discerning sybarites. The result is a package worthy of the occasion, capable of convincing even the most knowledgeable epicureans, with French champagne, Russian king crab legs, haute cuisine creations, recreating some of the delicacies included in an elegant case, perfect as a final touch to such a careful gift.
Presented in an elegant and functional box, this gourmet gift includes:
Mark: Degustam - Calle Valle de Arán 5-7 Bajos - 08030 Barcelona
A summarily but excellent selection of genuinely premium gourmet products, we have put together this gourmet gift especially designed for truly discerning sybarites. The result is a package worthy of the occasion, capable of convincing even the most knowledgeable epicureans, with French champagne, Russian king crab legs, haute cuisine creations, recreating some of the delicacies included in an elegant case, perfect as a final touch to such a careful gift.
Presented in an elegant and functional box, this gourmet gift includes: