This exquisite and original milk liqueur is made in a completely artisanal way using authentic milk following an ancient and unique family recipe, completely secret of course. The result is a truly delicious and surprising liqueur because it tastes like milk even though it does not have the characteristic white color that would be expected. The reason for this is that after macerating the cow's milk with alcohol, a careful filtering process is carried out, through which the liqueur is extracted and the residues, including casein, the protein responsible for the white color of milk, are discarded.
Our Recommendations: Güela Manuela has a sweet taste, a fresh flavor, and a smooth texture that makes it perfect to be enjoyed cold as a shot or a nice glass, ideal even for those who don't usually drink liquor. An excellent idea is to add it to coffee to taste and according to preferences of more or less milk. It is perfect to add to desserts, sweets, or pastry recipes. We love it in cocktails or exclusive combinations.
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