6,95 €
Ingredients: Navajas, agua y sal.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: La Conserva by Braulio Alfageme - Rúa do Marqués de Valladares 18 1ºB - 36201 Vigo (España)
Weight: 115 gr. 6-8 piezas
As soon as the can is opened, a characteristic aroma of the sea can be appreciated, and, once on the palate, its extraordinary firm, meaty texture and a distinguished flavour, make it one of the most valued and desired gourmet preserves, which will surely be very well appreciated by all demanding gourmets.
Gourmet slices, captured exclusively by diving, so its extraction is highly conditioned by the state of the sea, once on land, the process continues in the factory, where they are cleaned and washed in slightly warm salt water, after that, select only the best pieces, which are those that are finally packaged, this laborious work, along with its exquisite flavor make them one of the best preserved sea valued
Ingredients: Navajas, agua y sal.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: La Conserva by Braulio Alfageme - Rúa do Marqués de Valladares 18 1ºB - 36201 Vigo (España)
Weight: 115 gr. 6-8 piezas
As soon as the can is opened, a characteristic aroma of the sea can be appreciated, and, once on the palate, its extraordinary firm, meaty texture and a distinguished flavour, make it one of the most valued and desired gourmet preserves, which will surely be very well appreciated by all demanding gourmets.
Gourmet slices, captured exclusively by diving, so its extraction is highly conditioned by the state of the sea, once on land, the process continues in the factory, where they are cleaned and washed in slightly warm salt water, after that, select only the best pieces, which are those that are finally packaged, this laborious work, along with its exquisite flavor make them one of the best preserved sea valued