Magnesium oral supplement 250 g Santa Isabel



Magnesium is an element that acts as a regulator against diseases. Dr. Delbet demonstrated that the action of magnesium on white blood cells doubles their effectiveness in destroying microbes. It regulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. One of the most common ailments is osteoarthritis, which is caused by an improper ratio of calcium, leading to bone deformation and ossification of cartilage and joints. Magnesium solubilizes excess calcium, providing proper muscle function and bone regeneration. Regarding the common issue of excess cholesterol, magnesium positively influences blood vessels by cleaning and flexibilizing them, significantly reducing the effects of cholesterol. Additionally, magnesium helps solve the problem of constipation by acting as a stimulant, increasing intestinal mucosa activity and balancing its production. One of the most prevalent problems in today's lifestyle is stress, and magnesium has a stabilizing effect on neuron excitability, which can attenuate or prevent anxiety manifestations. In sports, magnesium is crucial for preventing traumatic and muscular injuries, providing the strength and energy necessary for physical activity. Magnesium plays an essential role in muscle function, relaxation, excessive contraction (muscle cramps), irregular heartbeats, reduced blood pressure, weakness, etc. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include hypertension, gastrointestinal disturbances, muscle weakness, fatigue, depression, cognitive impairment, constipation, memory loss, etc. For recovery from injuries, it is recommended to fill a bathtub with hot water and add 2 kg of natural magnesium salts to the bath. For more severe muscle or bone injuries, a higher amount of magnesium salts is advised for the bath. There are no side effects of magnesium ions, but due to their relaxing effect, baths may cause slight fatigue. If this happens, the bath should be interrupted for three days and then continued until completing the recommended baths. For maintenance, prevention, or strengthening of the body, 1 kg of magnesium salts in the bath once a week or every 15 days is recommended. It is not advisable to bathe again until the following day.
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