Of small districts of clementines peeled and soaked in a sweet syrup with a little vodka. Original and surprising, these small clementines blend perfectly with the sweet syrup and Vodka. Low alcohol 4.5%vol. these clementine wedges can be enjoyed mixed with a fruit salad, in a cocktail or simply as a digestive. 250 g jar
Of small districts of clementines peeled and soaked in a sweet syrup with a little vodka. Original and surprising, these small clementines blend perfectly with the sweet syrup and Vodka. Low alcohol 4.5%vol. these clementine wedges can be enjoyed mixed with a fruit salad, in a cocktail or simply as a digestive.
To be enjoyed chilled in a cocktail, with a dessert or even at the time of coffee.
Jar of 250 gr
Composition: tangerines (69%), water, sugar, vodka (9.3% at 38°)
Clementine wedges with vodka, a local product selected by My Local Delicatessen