Ingredients: Espagueti de mar 46% Aceituna 25% Aceite de oliva virgen extra 20% Tomate seco 8% hiberas de la Ulloa y agua
Rich salad of organic seaweed with olives, dried tomato, extra virgin olive oil and herbs from La Ulloa.
Ideal as a side dish with meats and fish, to eat alone, in toasts, sandwiches.
Olivada 85 gr Ideal as a garnish with meats and fish, to eat alone, on toast, sandwich.
Ready to eat.
Certified by: ECOLOGICAL, GLUTEN FREE, NO ADDED SUGARS, ORGANIC, VEGAN Directed to: People who care about their well-being and want to supplement their diet Suitable for lactose intolerant, vegetarians, ovo-dairy-vegetarians and coeliacs.
ES-ECO-022-GA Agriculture EU
Ingredients: Espagueti de mar 46% Aceituna 25% Aceite de oliva virgen extra 20% Tomate seco 8% hiberas de la Ulloa y agua
Rich salad of organic seaweed with olives, dried tomato, extra virgin olive oil and herbs from La Ulloa.
Ideal as a side dish with meats and fish, to eat alone, in toasts, sandwiches.
Olivada 85 gr Ideal as a garnish with meats and fish, to eat alone, on toast, sandwich.
Ready to eat.
Certified by: ECOLOGICAL, GLUTEN FREE, NO ADDED SUGARS, ORGANIC, VEGAN Directed to: People who care about their well-being and want to supplement their diet Suitable for lactose intolerant, vegetarians, ovo-dairy-vegetarians and coeliacs.
ES-ECO-022-GA Agriculture EU