Low glycemic Index
Super Omega 3 Fish Oilfrom the #1 brand in EuropeAmix™ Nutrition, is a nutritional supplement that provides an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids found in high proportion in the tissues of certain fish, and in some plant sources such as flaxseed and walnuts.
Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids found in high proportion in the tissues of certain fish, and in some plant sources such as flaxseed and walnuts
It has been experimentally demonstrated that the consumption of large amounts of Omega 3 significantly increases blood clotting time, so it is useful against cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases
It also highlights its intervention in the formation of cell membranes
Principal benefits ofSuper Omega 3 Fish OilbyAmix™ Nutrition:
- Providing 1,000 mg of fish oil per pearl
- Providing 30% EPA and 20% DHA.
- Helps the functioning of the body
- Helps the functioning of the immune system.
- Helps the immune system to function.
- Helps the immune system to function
- Promotes hormone production.
- Promotes hormone production.
- Promotes hormone production
- Lowers triglyceride and cholesterol levels
- Maintenance of eye health, dbrainand general health.
Protects theliver.
Inkey ingredientto aid in body fat loss.
/p>- 100 doses per container.
If you are an athlete really concerned about your health and respect your body, you need to use a supplement likeSuper Omega 3 Fish Oil
Fattyacidspresent in naturecan contain from4 to 26carbon atoms.Among them we candistinguishfatty acidssaturated, monounsaturatedand polyunsaturatedfats.Omega3belong to the groupof polyunsaturated fatty acidsWhilethe synthesis by the body of new saturatedunsaturatedfatty acidsis possible, omega3acids should be strictlycarried in the diet.Thisis becausethey lack theappropriatedesaturase (enzymes that arecapableof synthesizinglinoleic acid and-linolenic acid-linolenicwhich is why they arereferred to as essential fatty acidsEFA)It isdifficult to provideanadequatequantitywith food,especially ifwe leadanactivelifestyle, and therefore this supplement has been designed which is able to provide them correctly.
The proportions of fatty acidsprovided in the human diethave evolved over theyearscurrentlyin industrialized countriesscarytheproportionbetween theomega6 and theomega3, whichsometimes is30:1This is due toexcessiveconsumption ofharmful plant oils. Suchlargeimbalancescan causetheoccurrence of many diseasesatherosclerosis, inflammationandsevere allergic reactionclottingoreventhegrowth of cancer cells
The ratiosof fatty acidsthat are recommended forgoodhealth should be maintained between1:4and1:1 (n-3n-6)Therefore, it isimportantto add extra supplementation ofomega3fatty acidscan prevent various diseaseesand offerenormoushealth benefits.
The twomost importantand activeacidspresentin Super Omega 3 Fish Oilare theeicosapentaenoic acid(EPAand docosahexaenoic acid (DHAMany studiesshow that takingsmall doses oftheseomegafatty acids-3haveabeneficial effectoncardiovascular system function.In addition, itsingestiondecreasestriglyceridelevelsand highlipoproteinlevelsoflipoproteins ofhigh-density or"good cholesterol" (HDL) and a decrease inblood clotting.It is also very important to note that itincreases the permeabilityand fluidityof cell membranes, which is of extreme importance from the point of view of sports performance.
Fish oil (Eicosapanthenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), gelatin, glycerin, purified water.
As a dietary supplement for healthy adults, take 1 to 2 pearls with meals accompanied by plenty of water
Pack of 90 pearls.
Pack of 90 pearls