6 pcs/boxSweetened Organic Instant Cocoa. Family format. Origin / FT organization: Dominican Republic (Conacado), Peru (Acopagro), Paraguay (Manduvira). Ingredients: Golden light cane sugar and pure alkalized defatted cocoa (10-12 % fat). Minimum cocoa content: 32%.
Cocoa was already cultivated by the Mayas more than 2500 years ago. Cacao comes from the Mayan language: - cac, which means red (in reference to the color of the fruit shell), and cau, which expresses the ideas of strength and fire. Cacao is excellent against sadness, anxiety and irritability, because it contains theobromine, caffeine and theophylline that stimulate various physiological actions including that of the nervous system and blood circulation. Studies conducted by international institutions have highlighted that cacao has health-beneficial qualities. It possesses antioxidant qualities that help regularize the expansion and contraction movements of the heart, thus playing a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Its consumption could even reduce the risks of some cancers. Cocoa is also an important source of energy.
Organic cocoa production represents a very small share of world cocoa production, which is less than 1%. However, demand for products made with organic cocoa is rising rapidly, as people's concerns about the food safety of the products they consume are becoming more and more important.
Organic cocoa is more expensive than regular cocoa, which allows producers to cover higher production costs and to pay for certification.