Organic Stevia Leaf 25g

from FitnessZone



Stevia leaves are a natural source of sweetener that, in addition to having no calories, is sweeter and healthier than sugar.


Main benefits of Organic Stevia Leaf from Bioartesa:

- Hypoglycemic, stimulates pancreatic cells: regulates sugar metabolism and blood sugar levels in almost all type II diabetics and in a good percentage of type I diabetics.- Regulates blood pressure in hypertensive patients, with a mild diuretic, vasodilator, and cardiotonic effect.- Anxiolytic. Eliminates the urge to eat in many obese individuals. Reduces cravings for tobacco and alcohol.- Hypocholesterolemic: lowers cholesterol levels.- Antibacterial. Antifungal. Recommended for preventing cavities by chewing fresh leaves.- Improves memory, concentration, and learning.- Facilitates digestion, tones the digestive system.

Directions for use

- Fresh: consume about 4 tender leaves before or during breakfast and 4 more leaves before or during dinner.- Dried plant: when fresh leaves are not consistently available, you can make a tea with dried leaves. To make the infusion, use a level teaspoon (2 grams) per infusion, twice a day: one in the morning to regulate the day and one in the evening to regulate the night, using a teaspoon each time. For convenience, you can make the infusion once a day and store the leftover tea in a closed glass jar in the fridge for the next dose. For example, to make a liter, add a heaping tablespoon to boiling water, turn off the heat, gently stir, let it steep for about 10 minutes, and strain. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator as a liter will last for two days. Drink a glass on an empty stomach in the morning and another before dinner or bedtime.


100% dried Stevia* Rebaudiana Bertoni leaves, criolla variety (Organic product*).


25 g container.

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Bio / Ecological
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No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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