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Bio / Ecological
Organic strawberries, origin Huelva.
1 kg.
Strawberry is a bright red, juicy, and fragrant fruit obtained from the plant that bears the same name. In the West, it is considered the "queen of fruits." In addition to being able to be eaten raw, it can be consumed as compote, jam, etc. It is used for medicinal purposes as it has excellent properties that help preserve health. Strawberries are highly valued for their pleasant aroma and appetite-stimulating effect. They are easily digestible and have a strong laxative effect due to their fiber, pigments, acids, and enzymes. Their richness in basic minerals gives them the property of stimulating metabolism.
It is used as a medicinal plant, with the following properties:
Diuretic and anti-rheumatic: three to four cups daily of the infusion of the leaves and roots help against uric acid, gout, and arthritis.
Anti-cholesterol: the high amount of ascorbic acid, as well as lecithin and pectin contained in its fruits, make it ideal for lowering blood cholesterol levels.
Anti-inflammatory: an infusion of the leaves is beneficial for intestinal inflammations. Boiling the roots helps reduce arthritic inflammations.
Astringent: drinking three to four cups daily of the leaf decoction is useful against diarrhea. Infusions of dried leaves are very astringent and can be used to heal mouth sores.
Mineralizing: its fruits, rich in vitamin C, have anti-anemic and reconstituting virtues. They are very suitable during the growth period.
The leaves crushed and applied on the skin are a good remedy to prevent wrinkles.
They were also used as a laxative.
Strawberries are mainly grown for their use in gastronomy. It is a forest fruit suitable for dietary regimes, as it has a low concentration of carbohydrates. They are consumed alone or mixed with sugar, sugar and wine, sugar and cream, orange juice, in ice cream, jams, and are also highly appreciated in pastry as sweets, cakes, pies, their bright red color gives a special touch as a food decoration. With strawberries, an alcoholic beverage composed of brandy called strawberry liqueur is made.
The tender leaves can be consumed as a vegetable, although this use is uncommon. The leaves should be harvested when the plant is in full bloom; the roots, when they are about to dry out; and the fruits, when they are fully ripe, of intense pink color. They should always be kept in the shade and in a place protected from heat and humidity.