Direct to your table from La Lonja de Ayamonte.
Direct to your table from La Lonja de Ayamonte
Quantity: 30-35 pieces/kg
Flatfish. Oval body. Eyes on the left side of the body. Mouth oblique. Dorsal fin with origin in front of upper eye. Lateral line describes a pronounced curve above the pectoral fin. Coloration light brown on ocular side; white on ventral side; two black spots on caudal peduncle and small spots more or less equidistant at base of dorsal and anal fins. Up to 30 cm in length
It is a highly prized species gastronomically that receives a wide variety of names.
Among them are two main ones, peluda and tapaculo, widely represented throughout the Andalusian coast, although the latter is more typical of ports of Huelva and Cadiz.