Rescue Remedy 20ml Bach

from Solo Sin Gluten



Rescue Remedy is composed of 5 flowers: Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, and Cherry Plum. The rescue remedy, first aid remedy, or emergency remedy is the most well-known and widely used combination. Bach chose these essences for their particular qualities, making it the perfect blend to address emergency situations or situations where emotional control is lost such as: accidents, assaults, bad news, violent arguments, high physical or mental tension, nervous breakdowns, fainting, before or after childbirth, surgical interventions, challenging situations (interviews, public speaking), etc.

In cases of accidents or sudden illnesses, Rescue not only helps the victims, but also those who are mere spectators such as doctors, assistants, nurses, and family members. It provides great comfort to patients, but also helps calm and give confidence to those around them, which is essential in a critical state. Under no circumstances should Rescue become a permanent habit. It was designed as first aid in situations of mental urgency, whether insignificant or important, but not to balance an irrational way of living that destroys personality. Different mixtures are prepared for these cases.

Dosage is individual according to the case and situation.

Directions for use (guidelines):

  • In acute cases: pour four drops directly from the concentrated bottle into a cup of water and drink it sip by sip until the state of shock ceases. Then take a sip every fifteen, thirty, or sixty minutes. If water or any other drink is not available, the drops can be administered directly from the bottle.
  • In case of unconsciousness: it is administered with the help of a dropper directly from the concentrated bottle, pouring a drop on the lips, gums, temples, fontanelles, behind the ears, or on the wrists.
  • External: it can also be applied externally with the help of bandages or compresses, adding a few drops to half a liter of water which will then be soaked in. For small physical injuries such as burns, dislocations, cuts, and sudden skin rashes, it is prepared by adding two or three drops of the preparation to the cream applied.

It can also be administered to children, the elderly, animals, or plants (e.g. when repotting) in cases of crisis.

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Solo Sin Gluten
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