from DeAvivar


Sweet smokeless paprika is a mild and aromatic variant of paprika, ideal for adding color and flavor to a variety of dishes without the smoky taste.

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Smoke-free sweet paprika is a mild and aromatic variant of paprika, obtained from red peppers of the Capsicum annuum variety that are dried in a controlled manner, without exposure to wood smoke. This smoke-free drying process preserves the bright color and natural sweet flavor of the peppers, resulting in a final product that is less smoky and milder compared to traditional paprika.

This paprika is widely used in cooking to add a touch of color and flavor to a variety of dishes. Its sweet and mild flavor makes it ideal for use in marinades, stews, sauces, and seasonings, where it provides vibrant color and a fresh aroma without overpowering other flavors. It is especially popular in recipes where the strong smoky flavor associated with traditional paprika is preferred to be avoided.

In addition to its culinary value, smoke-free sweet paprika is a source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which can contribute to a balanced diet and overall health. Its content of vitamin C and carotenoids can help strengthen the immune system and protect cells from oxidative damage.

Ingredients: Smoke-free sweet paprika.

Allergens: May contain traces of gluten, peanuts, soy, nuts, mustard, and sesame.

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