The real duck foie gras from the south-west of France. This noble product par excellence is unanimous among connoisseurs who appreciate its authenticity. This whole foie gras, in a jar, is prepared with the best foie gras exclusively from ducks raised in the open air and fattened with corn by feeders from the Périgord and the South-West. My local delicatessen guarantees the origin of its duck foie gras thanks to the "Protected Geographical Indication" label. 180g jar
The real duck foie gras from the south-west of France. This noble product par excellence is unanimous among connoisseurs who appreciate its authenticity.Thiswhole foie gras, in jars, is prepared with the best foie gras exclusively from ducks raised in the open air and fattened with corn by feeders from the Périgord and the South-West.
My local delicatessen guarantees the origin of its duck foie gras thanks to the label "Protected Geographical Indication" (PGI)
Composition of foie gras: Duck foie gras, salt, pepper
Jar: Net weight 180g
The whole duck foie gras is a local product selected by My Local Delicatessen
The real duck foie gras from the south-west of France. This noble product par excellence is unanimous among connoisseurs who appreciate its authenticity. This whole foie gras, in a jar, is prepared with the best foie gras exclusively from ducks raised in the open air and fattened with corn by feeders from the Périgord and the South-West. My local delicatessen guarantees the origin of its duck foie gras thanks to the "Protected Geographical Indication" label. 180g jar
The real duck foie gras from the south-west of France. This noble product par excellence is unanimous among connoisseurs who appreciate its authenticity.Thiswhole foie gras, in jars, is prepared with the best foie gras exclusively from ducks raised in the open air and fattened with corn by feeders from the Périgord and the South-West.
My local delicatessen guarantees the origin of its duck foie gras thanks to the label "Protected Geographical Indication" (PGI)
Composition of foie gras: Duck foie gras, salt, pepper
Jar: Net weight 180g
The whole duck foie gras is a local product selected by My Local Delicatessen