Granulated natural sweetener that comes from the Steviarebaudiana plant. It provides 0 calories and is suitable for diabetics. It is used to sweeten all types of food and beverages, hot or cold.
Stevia is a small herbaceous shrub that does not usually exceed 80 centimeters in height, evergreen that usually grows in South America, it is sweeter than sugar but much more beneficial. It has a longer lasting flavor compared to sugar, although some extracts may have a bitter or licorice aftertaste.
Granulated natural sweetener, it provides 0 calories and is suitable for diabetics. It is used to sweeten all types of food and beverages, hot and cold
How to use:
It is used to sweeten all types of food and hot or cold beverages.
1 g has approximately the sweetening power of 8 g of sugar.
Sweeteners: Erythritol E-968 and Steviol glycosides E-960 (2.4 % extract of