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Stolichnaya Vodka is a Russian vodka that has been produced since 1953 at the Cristal distillery.
Stolichnaya has its origins in Warehouse No. 1 of the Moscow state, which was opened in 1901 by the authorities to ensure better production of high-quality vodka.
Vodka Stolichnaya is obtained through quadruple distillation of wheat and rye alcohol from Yambov, and filtered through quartz sand, activated charcoal, and cloth fabric, to which Samara Artesian water has been added, and is characterized by its spicy finish in the mouth.
Appearance: Vodka Stolichnaya has a crystal clear white color.
Nose: Clean and neutral with a hint of toasted grain.
Palate: Velvety and very light texture with subtle notes of anise and pepper.
Vodka Stolichnaya is recommended for making cocktails of all kinds.