Tribulus 60 Tab

from FitnessZone



Tribulus terrestris with 40% saponins.
Tribulus from Gold Nutrition is made exclusively from the dry extract of Tribulus terrestris rich in its main active ingredient (40% saponins).
Tribulus helps to optimize the production of testosterone and thus supports the growth of muscle mass.

Gold Nutrition


Main benefitsof Tribulusby Gold Nutrition:

-Contributes to optimize the production of testosterone.
-Facilitates the building of muscle mass.
-Promotes libido and supports spermatogenesis.

Gold Nutrition Tribulus:

Additional information

Tribulus terrestris is one of the most well-known plants in enhancing testosterone production. Thanks to its saponin content it has been used for centuries to treat infertility, impotence and improve libido. In addition, nowadays, due to the stressful lifestyle we live and poor diet, there is a reduction in the body's natural ability to produce testosterone. For all this, and thanks to its action on testosterone, Tribulus is an excellent aid in muscle development, enhances physical growth, without forgetting that it improves libido and sexual desire

How to use

Take 2 tablets a day. One tablet in the morning and one at bedtime.

Take 2 tablets per day


Pack of 60 tablets.

Package of 60 tablets

Translated automatically
No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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