Vermouth Del Professore Rosso

from Campoluz Enoteca


Vermouth of Professore Rosso is a Vermouth with the name OF the nineteenth-century American bartender, Jerry Thomas, nicknamed the Professor, elaborated by the Antica

Campoluz Enoteca
Minimum order amount: 10.00 € Shipping time: 3 - 10 work days

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Vermouth of Professore Rosso is a Vermouth with the name OF the nineteenth-century American barman, Jerry Thomas, nicknamed the Professor, developed BY the Antica Distilleria Quaglia elaborates with Federico Ricatto, Carlos Quaglia and the team of Jerry Thomas Speakeasy in Rome.

The only vermouth in the world that is elaborated from white and red wines 100% Italian, with aromas of vegetal origin and of own production, that ripes six months in small oak casks.

Vermouth tasting Note by Professore Rosso

Vermouth of the Professore Rosso is of mild taste, thanks to the touch of the oak barrels, the taste gradually passes to balsamic and mentholated that finish with the bitter orange and the soft taste of the rhubarb and with a small touch of tannin.

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