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It's grape season. The end of summer and beginning of autumn marks the start of the grape harvest.
Although some varieties can start to be harvested in August, the best months are from September to December. That's when Christmas traditions make them an almost mandatory presence in our pantry.
FrutaMare doesn't make you wait. Today we offer you a 4 kg basket of white grapes for €24.50. The price includes taxes and transportation costs to any point in the peninsula.
Did you know they call this fruit the natural candy? There are different sizes and appearances: white grapes, black grapes, red grapes, round or oval... and also different varieties: Aledo, Moscatel, Sugraone, Gloria, Ruby, Flame... but they are usually distinguished by their juiciness and sweet flavor.
We also want to remind you that if, in addition to buying grapes, you also want to buy pears, pineapples, avocados, among other fruits and vegetables, you can do so in bulk at our online store.
First of all, for its properties and benefits. Grapes provide macronutrients, mainly carbohydrates that provide slow-release energy. They have a high fiber content if consumed with the grape skin.
Although white grapes have a slightly higher sugar content than red grapes, their caloric intake is low (about 67 calories per 100 g). Also, keep in mind that the consumption of grapes at once will rarely reach the weight of other fruits.
Regarding the micronutrients, grapes stand out for their potassium content, B, A, and C vitamins, as well as phenolic and polyphenolic compounds.
How does consuming grapes contribute to maintaining health? One of its compounds, resveratrol, has antioxidant action that counteracts the free radicals responsible for cellular aging and some degenerative diseases.
More benefits of white grapes?
Our quality comes from the fact that in the FrutaMare fruit and vegetable store, we do not sell any product over which we do not have control.
We are farmers who market fruits, vegetables, and vegetables that we sow, cultivate, and harvest. That is, we have intervened in the preparation of the basket that will reach your home. You can hold us accountable if it does not meet the quality standards we guarantee. The years of experience of FrutaMare endorse us.
Since you have to eat fruit, let it be of quality. You will see that they are clusters of good appearance and firm texture. Freshly picked, sweet, tasty... Grapes are easy to consume. You can take them with you and snack on them. They will provide satiety and hydration. Don't miss the opportunity.