Origin: Aragon.
Origin: Aragon
Beyond apples and bananas, we forget some fruits also very beneficial and miss the opportunity to introduce them into our diet more often, and this is indeed the case of plums! being these some of the most powerful allies to take care of our health and is that in addition to helping us avoid constipation, facilitate intestinal transit, two of its best known facets
In addition to containing a lot of fibre, plums have many other nutritional properties that care for and protect the health of our body
They contain many vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, copper, zinc and vitamin A, C and K as well as being a low calorie fruit (100 grams of plums provide us with 240 calories).
Plums can also help us lose weight
Plums can also help us lose weight. This is thanks to the potassium they contain will help us to eliminate excess fluids, to protect the eyesight and brain thanks to vitamins A and B and the amount of antioxidants it contains.
There is more, because if we suffer from anemia this fruit can help us fight it. For it has a significant amount of iron, so preparing a meal in which the main dish is legumes and plums for dessert, we will have a powerful menu that will undoubtedly strengthen our body in depth.
In addition, as related Flaxe & Kale, plums are famous for their laxative action. They are a good remedy against constipation because of their high content of fiber and sorbitols. Sorbitol is a sweet-tasting organic compound, a type of sugar, which has known laxative properties
Finally, if you're most concerned about the signs of aging, you'll also be pleased to know that this fruit itself is effectively an excellent anti-aging treatment thanks to its antioxidant properties that effectively slow down aging.
And both its vitamin E content (which fights free radicals) and vitamin A and beta-carotene will help you prevent wrinkles and look much better