Ingredients: Almendra Marcona, Azúcar, Cacao en polvo, Leche entera en polvo, Cobertura de chocolate, Coco Natural, Pasta de tiramisú, Vainilla, Manteca de cacao, Aromas.
Container: Caja de regalo
Mark: Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez - Cv 800 km 14,3 - 03100 Jijona (España)
Weight: 100 gr.
With its elegant truffle shape decorated with cocoa powder, these chocolates have been made with real marcona almonds, caramelized and coated with the crunchy texture of chocolate in which each of its four different varieties surprises us with a delicious and original fusion of flavors
Let yourself be tempted by the perfect combination of marcona almonds, chocolate, in the following 4 varieties of chocolates contained in this box:
Morocco marcona almonds, chocolate, in the following 4 varieties of chocolates contained in this box:
Ingredients: Almendra Marcona, Azúcar, Cacao en polvo, Leche entera en polvo, Cobertura de chocolate, Coco Natural, Pasta de tiramisú, Vainilla, Manteca de cacao, Aromas.
Container: Caja de regalo
Mark: Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez - Cv 800 km 14,3 - 03100 Jijona (España)
Weight: 100 gr.
With its elegant truffle shape decorated with cocoa powder, these chocolates have been made with real marcona almonds, caramelized and coated with the crunchy texture of chocolate in which each of its four different varieties surprises us with a delicious and original fusion of flavors
Let yourself be tempted by the perfect combination of marcona almonds, chocolate, in the following 4 varieties of chocolates contained in this box:
Morocco marcona almonds, chocolate, in the following 4 varieties of chocolates contained in this box: