Aloe vera without aloin 500 mg 60 tablets

from Eternal Glow 4 U


Composition per tablet: · Dry extract of Aloe leaf (Aloe vera) 4:1 - 100 mg · Dry extract of Rhubarb root (Rheum palmatum) 10:1 - 100 mg · Microcrystalline cellulose - 288.75 mg · Magnesium stearate - 1.25 mg · Silicon dioxide - 10 mg Active ingredients: - Aloe Vera leaf. Free of aloin. Aloe has a positive effect on the intestinal bacterial flora, making this product ideal for controlling intestinal function. It is traditionally used to treat gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome. Mucilages. They provide a demulcent action, exerting a local protective action on the intestinal mucosa. - Rhubarb Root: • Rhein. Responsible for the laxative effect. Rhein reaches the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed, where it exerts its action. • Tannins: Galocatechins and others. They provide astringent properties. • Flavonoids: Rutin and others. Antioxidant effect. Directions for use: It is recommended to take two tablets a day, one after lunch and one after dinner, with plenty of water (2 a day). Presentation: Bottle of 60 tablets Manufactured in Spain NRGSEAA 26.07016/SE Pol. Ind. La Viña Avda. de La Industria 11 41980 La Algaba. Sevilla. T 954 600 029
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Eternal Glow 4 U
Minimum order amount: 15.00 € Shipping time: 48 - 72h

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