Baetica Columella White Wine

from La Tragonería


White Wine Baetica Columella

White Wine Baetica Columella 500ml Palomino and Perruno grapes

Organic wine made from 90% Palomino and 10% Perruno grapes, fermented in dolium with its lees.

Naturally fermented with wild yeasts, aged for 6 months in ceramic dolium without temperature control, and then bottle-aged for 6 months.

Vintage 2023. Pago del Duque (Trebujena).

Limited series of 504 bottles.

Organic wine with biological aging, fermented in handmade ceramic dolium.

Bottled in May 2023 in a limited series of 504 bottles.
Varieties: Made with Palomino and Perruno varieties, with native yeasts, without temperature control, in handmade ceramic dolium.
Soils: Albariza de lentejuela and lustrillos.

Location: Pago del Duque (Trebujena), at 15 meters above sea level near the ancient Lacus Ligustinus, in the Fundi Collumeliani that now make up the Marshes of the Guadalquivir.

Alcohol content 12.5% vol

Visual analysis: Straw color, with greenish reflections.
Olfactory analysis: Pleasant aromas of green fruits: apple, pear; citrus and toasted notes of nuts, almonds, and walnuts. Also herbaceous notes.
Taste analysis: Light, fresh, with a broad and balanced palate. Critical, salty notes, with a marked acidity and bitterness.
Pairing: Ideal for appetizers; fresh dishes; white fish, rice dishes. Also white meats, cold cuts, and even as an entry wine.

Serve between 7-9ºC.

About Arqueo Gastronomía

mediterranean. Linked to science and gastronomy, this project is only understood thanks to the results over the years in the most prominent circles of the University of Cadiz and the University of Seville. Thanks to different methodological and scientific approaches, we have been able to develop a wide variety of products from Roman cuisine, recovered through ancient sources and food technological and chemical processes: wines of Ancient Rome, cheeses recovered from the texts of Roman surveyors, garum—the famous haute cuisine sauce of antiquity—and many other products from ancient Mediterranean history.

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Bio / Ecological
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La Tragonería
No minimum order Shipping time: 48 - 72h

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