Ingredients: Setas comestible (Boletus Edulis y relativo grupo), aceite de girasol, agua, vino blanco, sal, dextrosa, perejil, aromas naturales, especias, extracto de levadura, corrector de acidez ácido cítrico (E 330), antioxidante ácido l-ascórbico (E300).
Container: Tarro de vidrio
Mark: Torre Real - Comercio 22 - 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès (España)
Weight: 200 gr.
The Boletus Edulis are undoubtedly the most appreciated mushrooms gastronomic for its exquisite flavor and delicate texture, which we propose here, have the prestige of one of the most valued canneries in our country, "Torre Real", which offers them cut, sliced and preserved in oil, so that we can enjoy them throughout the year in the most useful and sybarite way possible.
Considered the queen of mushrooms, so much so that we even know its name in different languages, porcini in Italian, cèpe in French, cep in Catalan, King bolete in English or simply mushroom, the boletus edulis, delights us with an aroma and flavor reminiscent of nuts, an indisputable gastronomic versatility and that now thanks to this extraordinary canned we can enjoy not only throughout the year but also without any preparation
Ingredients: Setas comestible (Boletus Edulis y relativo grupo), aceite de girasol, agua, vino blanco, sal, dextrosa, perejil, aromas naturales, especias, extracto de levadura, corrector de acidez ácido cítrico (E 330), antioxidante ácido l-ascórbico (E300).
Container: Tarro de vidrio
Mark: Torre Real - Comercio 22 - 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès (España)
Weight: 200 gr.
The Boletus Edulis are undoubtedly the most appreciated mushrooms gastronomic for its exquisite flavor and delicate texture, which we propose here, have the prestige of one of the most valued canneries in our country, "Torre Real", which offers them cut, sliced and preserved in oil, so that we can enjoy them throughout the year in the most useful and sybarite way possible.
Considered the queen of mushrooms, so much so that we even know its name in different languages, porcini in Italian, cèpe in French, cep in Catalan, King bolete in English or simply mushroom, the boletus edulis, delights us with an aroma and flavor reminiscent of nuts, an indisputable gastronomic versatility and that now thanks to this extraordinary canned we can enjoy not only throughout the year but also without any preparation