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Bombay Sapphire is a premium London Dry gin from England.
This gin has been produced since 1987 by Bombay Spirits Co. in Cheshire, United Kingdom, with a recipe dating back to 1761.
Bombay Sapphire is independently distilled in the four unique Carterhead stills that exist in the world. To achieve a unique flavor, the alcohol passes through 10 botanical ingredients including juniper, almonds, grains of paradise, lemon peel, licorice, orris root, angelica, coriander, cassia and cubeb berries, in the form of vapor, allowing it to absorb all the fragrances. The result is a complex and subtle aroma.
This gin was launched in 1987, although the original recipe dates back to 1761.
Appearance: Bombay Sapphire has a crystal-clear color.
Nose: Powerful, complex, characterful aroma, citrus, spirited, herbal, juniper notes, balsamic.
Palate: Powerful, round, elegant, spicy.
To prepare a Bombay Sapphire Gin and Tonic, you will need a balloon glass or alternatively, a wide-mouthed glass or tumbler.
Balloon glasses are ideal because they have a capacity of 60-70 cl. to store the necessary ice, gin, and tonic.
The wide mouth of this glass allows us to capture the aromas and flavors of this drink perfectly.
In addition, a glass allows us to hold it by the stem, which prevents us from warming up the Gin and Tonic with our hands, which is why this drink should never be served in a highball glass.