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Mark: Productos de Asturias
Weight: 200gr.
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Cheese of complex artisan elaboration with whole milk, unpasteurized, rich in butter from "casina" cow breed native to the area where it roams freely in the high altitude pastures, which serve to produce a milk high in fat and protein content. After curdling, the milk is drained and wrapped in cloths, where it continues to expel liquids for three days or more.
Very buttery and compact texture, intense flavor with hints of bitterness
Considered to be one of the oldest cheeses in Spain
Marigel Álvarez,founder of Quesería Redes bet on Queso Casín which in the early eighties was in full decline. Thanks to her effort and dedication, she has been able to convert the spicy and sharp taste of the cheese into a flavor appreciated by the most exquisite palates, making this delicacy recognized and valued both within and outside our borders
Silver Medal at the World Cheese Awards 2021 Best Cheese and Career Achievement Award at the XXV Asturias Artisan Cheese Fair 2013