Container: Molinillo de cristal con 2 posiciones
Mark: Sal de Añana - Real Kalea 42 - 01426 Gesaltza Añana (España)
Weight: 75 gr.
The pure spring salt enriched with cayenne that we find inside this useful grinder, comes from one of the oldest salt mines in the world, the Añana Valley, an unusual and beautiful place, thanks to its conservation, produces one of the best salts that you can find in the market, the reason is that, this ancient sea after a process of natural evaporation and a totally traditional extraction, delights us with an authentic spring salt seasoned with cayenne, ideal to enhance with a slight spicy touch all kinds of recipes.
The salt of the Añana Salt Valley offers us a unique purity, the reason is its particular origin, an ancient sea of more than 200 million years ago, which thanks to a natural evaporation and a totally traditional extraction process, today delights us with an exceptional flavor, a unique richness in minerals and trace elements and the consideration of experts and great chefs to be "one of the best salts in the world"
Container: Molinillo de cristal con 2 posiciones
Mark: Sal de Añana - Real Kalea 42 - 01426 Gesaltza Añana (España)
Weight: 75 gr.
The pure spring salt enriched with cayenne that we find inside this useful grinder, comes from one of the oldest salt mines in the world, the Añana Valley, an unusual and beautiful place, thanks to its conservation, produces one of the best salts that you can find in the market, the reason is that, this ancient sea after a process of natural evaporation and a totally traditional extraction, delights us with an authentic spring salt seasoned with cayenne, ideal to enhance with a slight spicy touch all kinds of recipes.
The salt of the Añana Salt Valley offers us a unique purity, the reason is its particular origin, an ancient sea of more than 200 million years ago, which thanks to a natural evaporation and a totally traditional extraction process, today delights us with an exceptional flavor, a unique richness in minerals and trace elements and the consideration of experts and great chefs to be "one of the best salts in the world"