Cough syrup pecto rodit 250cc

from Eternal Glow 4 U


INGREDIENTS: Concentrates of: mallow, thyme, sundew, and hawthorn. Glucose. Citric acid. Eucalyptol and menthol. Natural flavors of balsam of Tolu, pine, and caramel. Preservatives (sorbate, benzoate), acidity regulator (monohydrated citric acid) and purified water INDICATIONS: Symptomatic treatment of respiratory tract colds, facilitating the expulsion of mucus. Pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, cough, hoarseness. Respiratory allergies. Influenza. Smoking. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 2 tablespoons a day, preferably after main meals. NOT RECOMMENDED during pregnancy, breastfeeding, for diabetics, and children under 6 years old. PRESENTATION Container with 250 ml. PECTORODIT an effective phytotherapeutic preparation indicated in respiratory tract disorders. Each Medicinal Plant has been selected for its demonstrated properties backed by scientific publications and extensive literature verifying the beneficial effects of these species on respiratory tract disorders. Those parts of the Plants containing active ingredients have been selected for extraction, then evaluated and standardized, obtaining a reliable and reproducible product, adequately studied, manufactured, and controlled. MALLOW Althaea officinalis L. Like its relative mallow, marshmallow is all sweetness and softness. Even its leaves are delicately velveted with a fine fuzz. Dioscorides already recommended it in the 1st century AD, and since then it has been used in all eras. The plant can reach up to 2 meters in height. The parts used are the root, flowers, and leaves. All parts of the plant, especially the root, contain mucilage, pectin, mineral salts, and vitamin C. Its properties are the same as those of mallow, but more intense due to its higher mucilage content. Both the leaves and the root are indicated in cases of inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, and dry cough associated with pharyngitis. The abundance of mucilage produces a coating of the mucosa, especially at the oropharyngeal level, protecting it from local inflammations by forming a protective layer. THYME Thymus vulgaris L. Thyme is an intricate shrub up to 40 cm tall, gray in color with woody and twisted stems. Widely distributed in the Mediterranean region, in dry scrubland and cultivated with some frequency. The pleasant fragrance of thyme already caught the attention of the ancient Egyptians, who used it in the preparation of embalming ointments, for its ability to prevent microbial proliferation. The active part of the Plant is the flowering sumidad. Active principles include: - Essential oil (0.8 - 2.5%): Monoterpenes, terpene esters, terpene phenols - thymol, carvacrol - Polyphenolic compounds: Phenyl carboxylic acids, flavonoids, tannins. - Triterpenes. - Bitter principle. - Saponins. The use of Thyme is appropriate in various cases: As an antiseptic. The essence has an antiseptic power superior to hydrogen peroxide. In the 19th century, when antibiotics were not yet known, it was classified as the 'disinfectant of the poor.' Its antimicrobial action is enhanced by its ability to stimulate leukocytosis (increase in white blood cells), with the advantage that it does not depress the immune system. Thyme is highly indicated in respiratory tract conditions due to its expectorant, antitussive, and balsamic properties, which, combined with its antiseptic power, make it very useful in sinusitis, laryngitis, colds, asthma, cough. Its consumption is recommended during flu epidemics. SUNDEW Drosera longifolia A small plant, found in wet and mountainous places. The leaves grow at ground level in a rosette and are covered with sticky hairs in which insects become trapped. The parts used are the aerial parts of the plant. The whole plant contains naphthoquinones, which provide it with antitussive, antibiotic, and antispasmodic action. It has been found to be effective against certain bacteria. Therefore, it is an excellent remedy for dry or irritative cough caused by pharyngitis, laryngitis, or tracheitis. Highly recommended in cases of whooping cough and asthma. In acute and chronic bronchitis, sundew calms the cough and promotes expectoration. HAWTHORN Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Hawthorn has always been highly valued as a remedy. However, the empirical knowledge about it could
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Eternal Glow 4 U
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