Dougall's Raquera Pilsen

from La Tragonería


Dougall's Raquera Pilsen

Beer Dougall's Raquera Pilsen

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Beer made at DouGall's since 2012 for lifelong beer lovers. This blonde beer is our first Pilsen, a classic in Spanish bars. In this recipe, which we have been refining since 2012, we have respected the German purity law of 1516, relying on the combination of pale malt with noble hops and lager yeast. Raquera is a crystal-clear beer, well carbonated, with a light, kind, subtle, and refreshing aroma and flavor.
176 kJ / 42 kcal × 100 ml
Yeast Lager
Malts: Lager Maris Otter Cara Gold Toasted Wheat
Hops Saaz Kazbek
BJCP STYLE: 3B. Czech Premium Pale Lager. AWARDS: Silver Medal (Concours International de Lyon 2023), Bronze Medal (Barcelona Beer Challenge 2019), Bronze Medal (Barcelona Beer Challenge 2018), Gold Medal (Barcelona Beer Challenge 2017), Bronze Medal (Ibeerian Awards 2016), Gold Medal (Barcelona Beer Challenge 2016).
DESCRIPTION: This blonde beer is our first Pilsen, a classic in Spanish bars. In this recipe, which we have been refining since 2012, we have respected the German purity law of 1516, relying on the combination of pale malt with noble hops and lager yeast. Raquera is a crystal-clear beer, well carbonated, with a light, kind, subtle, and refreshing aroma and flavor. INGREDIENTS: Water, BARLEY malt (Lager, Maris Otter, Cara Gold), Toasted WHEAT, hops (Kazbek, Saaz), and yeast (Lager). STORAGE: In a cool, dry place away from light. PREFERRED CONSUMPTION: Up to 12 months from the bottling date. ALCOHOL CONTENT: 5% vol. · INITIAL DENSITY: 11.40 ºP. BITTERNESS: 32 IBUs. · COLOR: 8 EBC. ENERGY: 176 kJ / 42 kcal × 100 ml. RECOMMENDED CONSUMPTION TEMPERATURE: 3 - 5 °C.

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