Sulfur Dioxide and Sulphites
Ingredients: - Berenjena (32%) - Bechamel (leche, mantequilla, nata (leche) y fermentos lácteos) - Harina de trigo (gluten) - Almidón de maíz - Aceite de oliva - Sal - Especias - Carne de vacuno (10%) - Cebolla - Vino tinto - Tomate frito (tomate, aceite de oliva virgen extra, azúcar, ajo y sal) - Pimiento rojo - Zanahoria - Aceite de oliva virgen extra - Pimiento verde - Ajo - Sal - Especias - Puede contener trazas de soja, apio y sulfitos
Weight: 275 g
With the eggplant stuffed with meat and vegetables Santa Teresa you will enjoy a homemade recipe ready to eat and made with the best natural ingredients.
With the eggplant stuffed with meat and vegetables Santa Teresa you will enjoy a homemade recipe ready to eat and made with the best natural ingredients