Higastion 20 amp 10ml Translation: Higastion 20 amp 10ml

from Eternal Glow 4 U


INGREDIENTS: Artichoke concentrate (Cynarine) equiv. 1,000 mg Mint concentrate equiv. 250 mg Fennel concentrate equiv. 250 mg Black radish concentrate equiv. 250 mg Pineapple concentrate (Bromelain) equiv. 100 mg Papaya concentrate (Papain) 100 mg Magnesium 2.5 mg Lactobacillus acidophilus 30 mg Fructose, citric acid, sorbate and purified water q.s. 10 ml INDICATIONS: Enhancer of digestive functions, hepatoprotective, prevents the formation of sand and gallstones, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis. Regulator of gastric juices, stomach and duodenal ulcers, bad breath, gastritis, dyspepsia, abdominal discomfort. Increases appetite in children, anorexia. Aerophagia, Crohn's disease and is also recommended in case of digestive origin headaches. DIRECTIONS: Take two ampoules daily, one before lunch and one before dinner. It can be taken alone, with water or juice (150 ml). PRESENTATION: Container with 20 drinkable ampoules of 10 ml. INTRODUCTION: Higastión is an excellent dietary preparation that combines a series of natural products aimed at children, adults, and even athletes. It is highly effective in a large number of patients suffering from dysfunctions, disorders, and ailments of the digestive tract (stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines). Therefore, in view of the wide spread of these diseases, it is worth investigating their causes and evaluating the possibilities of curing or preventing them. The main problems of the digestive system and poor nutrient absorption are due to: ' Alteration of gastric juices. ' Lack or weakness of specific pancreatic intestinal enzymes that hydrolyze some food constituents. ' Lack of conjugated hepatic bile salts that form a fat microemulsion that facilitates absorption in the small intestine and some structural or functional defects of the intestinal villi, as well as of the digestive system in general. ' Poor diet, fast and unbalanced meals, anxiety, stress, adverse emotional states, also influence an imbalance of digestive functions. Some measures that are part of good dietary habits would be: ' Eat slowly and chew well. ' Do not eat abundant, irritating meals. Reduce or avoid fatty, fried, or spicy foods. ' Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and tight clothing. ' Maintain a relaxed and optimistic mood. COMPOSITION: ARTICHOKE CONCENTRATE: The active principles found in the artichoke plant are: flavonoids, caffeic acid, cynarine, sesquiterpene lactones (bitter principles), organic acids (succinic, malic, lactic, fumaric), mucilages, enzymatic complexes (oxidases, peroxidases, cynarases, and ascorbinases), mineral salts (potassium and magnesium), essential oil, phytosterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol), steroidal saponins, triterpene alcohols, tannins, pectins, vitamins A, B2, and C, and minerals (potassium and manganese). The actions derived from these active principles are as follows: orthodiphenolic compounds give it choleretic action (activator of bile production), hepatoprotective, and hepato-stimulating; flavonoids, potassium salts, and short-chain organic acids give rise to azoturic diuretic action (elimination of ammonia and urea); cynarine acts as a hypocholesterolemic (cholesterol lowering) and hypotriglycerolemic (triglyceride lowering) agent, as well as an appetizer; polyphenols are antioxidant (eliminate free radicals); sesquiterpene lactones and mineral salts are eupéptic (favor digestion) and inulin is hypoglycemic (lowers blood glucose). Artichoke is indicated in hepatobiliary dysfunctions, liver insufficiency, biliary retention, gallstones, hyposecretory dyspepsia, meteorism (gas), oliguria (scanty urine), kidney stones, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, gout, anorexia, and overweight accompanied by fluid retention. It would be contraindicated in biliary tract obstruction and lactation (bitter principles can be eliminated through breast milk). MINT CONCENTRATE: The active principles include: essential oil (up to 4%) with monoterpenols (menthol), monoterpenones (menthone), terpene oxides (1,8-cineole, menthofurane), terpene esters, monoterpenes, sesquiter
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Eternal Glow 4 U
Minimum order amount: 15.00 € Shipping time: 48 - 72h

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