Kiwi BIO SunGold Zespri - 500g Organic SunGold Zespri Kiwi - 500g

from ECOrigen


The price shown is an estimate based on the weight of the product. The final price will depend on the weight of the delivered product.

  • New Zealand
Bio / Ecological
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No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 72h

More information

Our organic kiwis meet the strict organic quality and safety standards of New Zealand and we go one step further.


We use natural fertilizers and recycled resources for the cultivation of our Zespri Organic variety, using only organic and non-contaminating organic fertilizers and minerals. Producers use natural substances, such as compost or seaweed, to prevent plant pests and diseases.

No herbicides, insecticides, or other synthetic substances are used in the plantation, which means that Zespri Organic kiwis grow in complete harmony with nature.

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