Kiwis (kg)

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Origin: Asturias. Green kiwi is one of the most popular and consumed fruits today. Its plant is a climber, belonging to the Actinidiasea family. It requires a climate with high humidity, as its cultivation is subtropical. It is an oval-shaped fruit, with variable size, rough, hairy, hard, and dark skin. Its flesh is green in color, with different shades depending on the variety, usually tender, juicy, and with a sweet and sour taste. It has numerous edible seeds. The main producing countries are New Zealand, Italy, Chile, and Brazil. Spain is one of the countries where it is most consumed. Green kiwis are available throughout the year, while yellow ones are only available during certain seasons. Properties and Benefits: Green kiwi strengthens our immune system. It has a high content of Vitamin C and potassium, and contains actinidin, an enzyme that helps us break down food. It is rich in soluble fiber and contains folic acid, making it an essential fruit for pregnant women. Eating one kiwi a day will allow you to have younger cells, strengthen your immune system, and prevent colds. Thanks to its fiber content, it helps maintain a healthy intestinal transit. Thanks to its antioxidant power and its vitamin C content, kiwi is good for the health of our skin. It helps maintain healthy and strong bones. Its potassium levels make it an essential complement for athletes. Nutritional Value per 100g: Calories: 61 Total Fat: 0.5g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 3mg Potassium: 312mg Carbohydrates: 15g Protein: 1.1g Storage and Tips: Green kiwi can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator, depending on its condition. Recipe and Uses in the Kitchen: When cooked, green kiwi tends to oxidize and lose its green color, but you can still prepare numerous dishes with it. You can make a refreshing mayonnaise to accompany your chicken and fish dishes. The process is initially the same as making mayonnaise, but once it is prepared, you add 4 tablespoons of skim milk, 1 peeled kiwi, and continue blending to have a delicious mayonnaise.
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