Leek (kg)

from De la HuertaCasa


Origin: Vega de Aranjuez, San Martín de la Vega, and Ciempozuelos.
De la HuertaCasa
Minimum order amount: 49.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 72h

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Leek is also known as garlic leek, it belongs to the same family as garlic and onions. It is a plant-based food that is not industrialized. It belongs to the group of fibrous vegetables, the green group. It is a plant that withstands cold climates very well. The leek plant has 3 parts: the leaves, the stem, and a small, elongated white bulb, from which the roots come out. It has a flavor similar to onion, but much milder. Properties and benefits: Leek stimulates the immune system and is antiseptic thanks to allicin. It is a natural antibiotic due to its sulfur compounds. It has a low calorie content, with 94% water. Its high potassium content and low sodium content help with fluid elimination. Its high fiber content helps with digestive disorders, it is a great source of folates (folic acid) and carotenoids. The most prominent vitamins are A, C, and B6. It protects blood vessels by containing flavonoids. Leek is effective in weight loss, as it has no calories or fat. And because it contains fiber, it provides satiety. It is considered a natural anti-inflammatory and a protector against cardiovascular diseases. Nutritional value per 100g: Calories: 61 Kcal Protein: 2g Total fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 14g Simple sugars: 4g Fiber: 2g Sodium: 20mg Storage and tips: Leeks should be stored in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life. Another option is to chop them and freeze them, so they will be ready to add to your stir-fries or broths. Once cooked, they should be consumed within a maximum of two days. Recipe and uses in the kitchen: Leeks have many uses in the kitchen, they can be used in stir-fries, replacing onions for example, baked, grilled, as a base in your soups or as a main ingredient. The green leaves of the leek can also be used, you can sauté them or include them in soups. You can even gratin them in the oven. To gratin them, clean the leeks and cut off the roots and green leaves. Boil the leeks, once cooked, drain them well. Place the leeks on a baking tray, you can add cooked ham and sliced cheese and finally grated cheese. Grill for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.
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