Ingredients: Mejillones (Mytilus galloprovincialis), aceite de oliva (15%), vinagre de vino, especias y sal.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: La Conserva by Braulio Alfageme - Rúa do Marqués de Valladares 18 1ºB - 36201 Vigo (España)
Weight: 115 gr.
After a careful process that begins with the collection of the best mussels of the Galician Rias, are selected those that offer exceptional characteristics of size, texture and flavor, to fry them and add an exquisite handmade marinade, which serves as a final point of some mussels without equal.
"La Conserva by Braulio Alfageme" offers a varied selection of preserves in which the excellence of the raw materials and the artisan process to preserve them, not in vain carry the art of canning in his personality and philosophy, so proudly sign each of them, with the name of the person who is currently at the helm of this family business and has one of the longest careers canners of our country
Ingredients: Mejillones (Mytilus galloprovincialis), aceite de oliva (15%), vinagre de vino, especias y sal.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: La Conserva by Braulio Alfageme - Rúa do Marqués de Valladares 18 1ºB - 36201 Vigo (España)
Weight: 115 gr.
After a careful process that begins with the collection of the best mussels of the Galician Rias, are selected those that offer exceptional characteristics of size, texture and flavor, to fry them and add an exquisite handmade marinade, which serves as a final point of some mussels without equal.
"La Conserva by Braulio Alfageme" offers a varied selection of preserves in which the excellence of the raw materials and the artisan process to preserve them, not in vain carry the art of canning in his personality and philosophy, so proudly sign each of them, with the name of the person who is currently at the helm of this family business and has one of the longest careers canners of our country