Onion flakes, pot 60 grams "vacuum-packed",
Small onion flakes, pot 60 grams "vacuum-packed"
Packaging: 60 grams in a vacuum-packed glass jar.
Packaging: 60 grams in a vacuum-packed glass jar
Onion flakes can be used in bakery products, in condiments, in patties, to give a special touch in soups and sauces, ready meals and for decoration of dishes.
The onion flakes can be used in bakery products, in condiments, in patties, to give a special touch in soups and sauces, ready meals and for decoration of dishes
Product obtained from selected onion varieties.
The dehydration process consists of sorting, cutting and drying with hot air.
Dark yellow onion scales.
Smell and flavour characteristic of natural onion.
The onions are of a dark yellow colour