Organic Tuna - Pan do Mar

from ECOrigen


The price shown is an estimate based on the weight of the product. The final price will depend on the weight of the delivered product.

Produced under the regulation for organic production EU 834/2007 art.23

Bio / Ecological
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No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 72h

More information

Skipped tuna loins, "Skipjack", from controlled and sustainable fisheries caught by artisanal coastal fishermen in the Mid-East Atlantic. Caught with rod one by one. Cooked in seawater and packed in a light brine.

Angling, a method recommended by several conservationist organizations, prevents discards of unwanted sizes and of non-commercial or protected species by ensuring the natural stocks necessary for the maintenance of future generations of the species. The non-use of nets is a guarantee for the quality and freshness of the fish used in this product

This fishery is developed under the fishing regulations of the European Union, is controlled by ICCAT, (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna) and supervised by the Earth Island Institute, (Dolphin Safe)

Organic ingredients certified by BCS Öko-Garantie. Spanish authority for the control oforganic production: ES-GA-ES/CRAEGA, Concello Regulador de la Producción Ecológica de Galicia. Produced under the regulation for organic production EU 834/2007 art.23

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