
from Frutamare


Buy fresh peaches

Peaches or peaches have the botanical name Prunus Persica. This fruit comes from a tree and in temperate climates, it is characterized as a fruit whose seed is protected by the flesh, like mango, cherry, apricot, among others.

Its ripening period is during the summer, producing fruits with eight centimeters in diameter and various colors such as pale yellow to light red, and various shades of orange. The cultivation of this fruit is delicate as it requires water, its fruits are delicate, they do not withstand cold beyond winter and need heat for their ripening process.

It originates from Asia, it is believed that about 3,000 years ago the first peaches were found in China and the Far East. It has a high gastronomic and social value for these countries, with its sweet flavor and a slight acidic touch, aromatic, juicy, and refreshing.

Why buy Peaches?

Among the components that peaches have, the peach stands out: betacarotene and content of vitamin C and E, it provides potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, fiber, water (87%) of its weight, low in fats and low in sugars.

Thanks to the nutrients concentrated in the skin and pulp of the peach, it provides diuretic, digestive, and antioxidant properties.

Improving digestion, due to its fiber content and water that benefits the intestinal flora and constipation, stimulates the production of gastric secretions, allows draining the bile and hepatic ducts as it opens the appetite.

It is ideal for high blood pressure, favors kidney inflammation, promotes eye health, its low caloric intake and high content of potassium eliminates fluids that the body does not need, it is recommended by nutritionists for weight loss and in the diet.

Peaches are a protector against degenerative diseases such as cancer (colon, prostate, and lung).

This seasonal fruit between spring and autumn, after being harvested does not last long, they should be consumed fresh and ripe. Those preserved in syrup lose minerals and vitamins, and have a significant increase in calories.

They can be eaten raw, both the pulp and the skin, as both have unique properties. They can be prepared as juices, desserts, cakes, salads, fruit salads, also in the form of dried apricots, peeled, cut, and dried at a temperature of 70ºC. The latter are used to make jams, preserves, and for breakfast accompanied by cereal.

Fruits, Vegetables, and Fruits at FrutaMare

FrutaMare provides quality and freshness in all its products such as oranges, avocados, etc., as it applies all the care that each vegetable or fruit requires so that from harvest to your table, you can enjoy the properties and benefits of these.

Peaches according to their species are delicate, it is ideal to keep them in the least cold area of ​​the refrigerator and take them out in advance a while before consuming them, as at room temperature they spoil very quickly. Before consuming them, they must be washed very well.

At FrutaMare we have a variety of peaches with white flesh

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Minimum order amount: 30.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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