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ORIGIN: Spain and other areas of the Iberian Peninsula REPRESENTATIVE SPECIES: Autochthonous arboreal flora MAJORITY FLOWER COMPOSITION: Blackberry (Rubus sp), Chestnut (Castanea sativa), Broom (Retama sp) and varied native wild flora.

PRODUCTION SEASON: Late spring to late summer COLOR: Multicolored with vivid shades, predominantly yellowish, orange and greenish pigments, depending on the floral origin.

Color: Multicolored FLOWER: It provides multiple intense floral sensations AROMA: Strongly floral and dry in the first instance, prolonging its essence in time.

PECULIARITIES: Raw substance, pure, non-homogenized, unfiltered, without added sugars.

STORAGE: Keep in a dry, dark and cool place to maintain intact all its qualities in a natural way.

**In its natural process, honey crystallizes and hardens depending on various parameters (temperature, floral origin, etc.


Originated by symbiosis between plant species from the varied banks of the Limia and the surrounding wild sotomonte, one of the purest and most extraordinary pollens of the peninsula is born. From the late spring hatching with the incipient flower of Salix sp. and several fruit species (cherry, apple, pear trees, etc...), through the attractive color of Ericas sp. during the month of May and the robust brooms of early June, we link with the extreme Galician summer that calls impetuously at our door, accompanied by a polychromatic miscellany from brambles and brooms in full activity, to lead to the final collection by the bee of the golden and excellent chestnut pollen, very abundant in the area

Multicolored with vivid shades, predominantly yellowish, orange and greenish pigments according to plant origin. Its aroma is strongly floral and dry in the first instance, prolonging its essence over time. Natural spongy texture before dehydration and consistent slightly pasty to minimize watery component. The flavor provides multiple floral and intense sensations, evoking natural essences of the beehive.

It is a food supplement of supreme quality It is a food supplement of supreme quality due to a balanced content of carbohydrates, proteins (22 essential amino acids), enzymes, phytosterols, vitamins (B, C, E), minerals and antioxidants.


Like all our range of pure honeys and derivatives (royal jelly, propolis,...), we are talking about a natural pollen substance collected by our bees with countless qualities:

- Raw: our honeys and derivatives are neither subjected to heating processes (over 40º) nor to pasteurization methods, so they keep intact all vitamins, minerals, nutrients and enzymes, as well as their taste and olfactory qualities - Non-homogenized: we never mix natural pollens from different geographical or floral origins, because our permanent objective is to maintain the essence and purity from its origin to the palate of the final consumer.

- Pure: the bees obtain it by releasing pollen from the flowers, to be collected later in the receptacles placed for this purpose outside the hive's taphole; that is why this process does not involve factors other than those provided by nature itself - No added sugars: our pollen is what it is, just as the bee produces it in the hive, possessing therefore natural substances typical of a natural unadulterated pollen


Pollen is a natural food that possesses unique attributes, so that if we wish to preserve them, it is advisable to ingest it directly, savoring it inside the mouth as long as possible.

Pollen is a natural food that possesses unique attributes, so that if we wish to preserve them, it is advisable to ingest it directly, savoring it inside the mouth as long as possible


Pollen, like royal jelly and natural honey, are essential food supplements collected by the bee, as a result of libation on flowers of predominant plants, such as blackberry (Rubus sp), chestnut (Castanea sativa), broom (Retama sp) and varied native wild flora. Part of these pollen grains are collected in a kind of pollen catcher box placed at the entrance of the hive, falling into it through the friction caused by the transit of a certain number of worker bees passing through the holes of a grid installed above; in this way, another percentage of pollen is introduced into the hive by other bees, thus continuing inside, the natural dynamics of honey production without any disturbance

The term pollen refers to the tiny grains produced by seed plants (spermatophytes) contained in the pollen sac of the anther (located in the male organs of the flowers, the stamens) that the bee will collect, each containing a microgametophyte (male gametophyte).

Pollen is a pollen that is produced by the bee


A word coming from the Latin "pollen"= very fine dust, flour flower, it is associated with the Indo-European root "*pel-3"= flour, dust.

The history of pollen is as old as its existence, being one of the most relevant indicators that encourages the discovery of the real vegetation existing in ancient times In the supposedly original Shroud of Turin, traces of pollen from the flowers of different plants from the area of Palestine (2,000 years old) were found.

Palynology is the science that deals with the study of spores and pollen from flowers. The Englishman N. Green in the 17th century was the first to observe pollen grains under a microscope, but it was at the beginning of the 19th century when his interest began to grow (Fischer came to describe 2,200 different types of pollen) thanks to the intensive use of increasingly sophisticated microscopes Already in the 20th century, a morphological system for the classification of natural spores and description of palynological associations was developed in German coal mines, evolving progressively in terms of technique, and thus in importance up to the present day One of the latest developments is the application of pollen analysis in the detection of climatic changes, through the study of pollen and spore distributions.

One of the most recent developments is the application of pollen analysis in the detection of climatic changes, through the study of pollen and spore distributions


Located in the southeast of the Galician community, this area comprises a beautiful territory located in the center of the province of Orense, as a wide natural valley that subtly embraces the mighty Limia River (called by the ancient Romans "river of oblivion" (Rio Lethes) in their belief of erasing the memory of those who crossed it). The mountain range of Bande covered in some areas by magical areas of forest, and in others by stony ground with stunted bushes, is the undaunted royal watchman in the distance to the northwest, spilling over to the south and east into an imposing natural Antelan depression that covers almost the entirety of this wonderful province

It is also worth mentioning its classification as a protected natural area thanks to its wide and rich autochthonous biodiversity (declared a Natura 2000 Network area and core Biosphere Reserve), originated by peculiar natural edaphobotanic typologies, carved by the continuous scourge of a severe and very characteristic oceanic climate.

RECETAS is a protected natural area



Squeeze two large grapefruits removing the pulp to another container; add to the blender along with 2 banana fruits, 10 peeled walnuts previously crushed, 2 tablespoons of pollen, 1 tablespoon of poppy seed, 2 organic kiwi fruits and 2 peeled pitted Paraguayan fruits. Grind all the food together, adding during the process half a spoonful of natural orange blossom honey, half a spoonful of natural rosemary honey, half a spoonful of natural thyme honey and 800 ml of organic oat milk Store in the refrigerator and take out to consume only the precise amount, adding a drop of pure royal jelly extraordinarily complete shake of excellent quality!

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