Regenerative organic natural pistachios

from Almendrehesa


Natural Kerman variety pistachios. Certified organic product from regenerative organic agriculture, grown in the highlands of southeastern Spain. They come from a soil and landscape restoration project that begins in Chirivel (Almería) and extends through the Altiplanos of Almería (Almanzora and Los Vélez), Granada (Altiplano, Baza region, and Guadix region), and northwest Murcia. The flavor of this pistachio variety leaves an intense taste on the palate, ideal for snacking or as a snack, for shelling and using in a pesto, making ice cream, or a tart. Pistachio crops in the highlands are recent, as it is not a native crop of the area, but they generate biodiversity compared to the almond monoculture that extends for thousands of hectares in the area and adapts very well to the climate and rainfall of the highlands. Organic farming does not add products that may be harmful to health. Regenerative techniques make the ecosystem in these highlands with extreme temperatures between winter and summer, tending towards desertification, can generate an ecosystem and restore the soil and landscape. In this way, not only nutrients are extracted from the soil, but they are also added, capturing more CO2 and positively contributing to the natural environment than a crop only grown organically. The practices carried out include, among others: - Vegetative cover, with native plants from the specific terrain that are later added to the soil or used as food for extensive livestock that eat and deposit them in the soil, adding their contribution to fertilization. - Creation of semi-natural ponds and infiltration trenches for rainwater, so that the rain does not wash away the fertile soil and the water can remain to naturally irrigate the crops. - Planting hedges and aromatic plants to create an ecosystem and attract pollinators. - Placement of panels with bees. - etc.
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No minimum order Shipping time: 5 - 8 work days

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