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Remember that if you want us to prepare your Remol or Coruxo in any specific way (slices, fillets, loins...) just tell us in the Remarks section that you will find in the purchase process.
Baked, grilled or fried are 3 ideal ways to enjoy this magnificent Galician fish.
The Remol is a Galician fish belonging to the family of flatfishes such as the rodaballos, the lenguados or the acedias. In Galicia it is known by the name of Coruxo
The Coruxo or Remol Gallego is very similar to the Rodaballo Gallego so it is often confused one with the other as the head and color are exactly the same. To know if it is Rhodaballo or Coruxo we must look at the shape as the Coruxo is shaped like a diamond while the turbot is more circular. In addition, the Rhodaballo has bony protuberances on the upper part of the back while the Remol or Coruxo does not
In the past, the Remol or Coruxo was an alternative for people who could not afford the rodaballo as it was classified as a second category fish and its price was much lower. Today the Remol or Coruxo is still a little cheaper than the Rodaballo as there is more quantity than Rodaballo in the Galician fish markets but have the same gastronomic value
The Coruxois a fish with a smooth and consistent white flesh when cooked. Due to its thick and fatty skin, it is ideal for grilling, baking or broiling. This Galician fish is ideal to include in the weekly diet because like the Rodaballo, has a large amount of protein in addition to a high content of omega,3 fatty acids
It is calculated approximately 300-350 grams of Galician Beef per person.
Remember that the pieces you select of Galician fish can vary around 200 grams to the selected weight. The best way to prepare this dish is to use a small amount of fish
The best time to taste this Galician fish is from February to May The best time to taste this Galician fish is from February to May.
Galician brill (Coruxo) in our diet