<p>El origen de Labadía comienza en la Dehesa de la Guadaña, Zamora, nuestra finca d<strong>e </strong>680 hectáreas donde pastorean en libertad nuestras vacas pardas de montaña y ovejas churras, ambas razas autóctonas, en convivencia con garzas reales, jabalíes, corzos, aves rapaces y otros animales domésticos de nuestra granja como caballos, ocas o gallinas. </p><p>La Dehesa limita con 4km de Río Esla, afluente principal del Duero, que riega y nos proporciona agua fresca ilimitada durante todo el año en un ecosistema natural formado por 16.000 encinas, fresnos, álamos blancos, chopos del país, y tierras de pasto y cultivo que alimentan a nuestros animales. Un paisaje que posee identidad y biodiversidad propia. </p><p>Cada día, nos encargamos de proporcionar a nuestros animales los mejores cuidados, esforzándonos por conseguir un bienestar real en cada momento de su crianza. Nuestras carnes y lácteos son fruto de años de dedicación, investigación y un modelo de gestión sostenible. </p>
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Paletilla de cordero lechal - suckling lamb from the suckling lambs of our own livestock in Dehesa La Guadaña (Zamora).
We are faithful to our commitment to raise all our animals following the highest standards of welfare and care
In the breeding of our livestock, we are faithful to our commitment to raise all our animals following the highest standards of welfare and care of all of them. Our breeding of lechazos churros, a flock of more than 1500 head of sheep is, without doubt, one of the hallmarks of our livestock activity and a good example of this.At the Dehesa de la Guadaña we make sure that our piglets do not lack anything, and in our facilities all the sheep can rest next to the piglets in soft beds.- Petramora is convinced that the suckling lambs we raise in our livestock are the best, because the animal selection has been careful and because the grazing of the mothers takes place in our pasture, a "paradise" full of acorns and grass to feed in a 100% natural way
This shoulder, which contains half a neck, is perfect to enjoy the best suckling lamb meat. Ideal to make roasted in the oven or stewed accompanied by our Ribera del Duero wine Jacinta. Ideal to make roasted in the oven or stewed accompanied by our Ribera del Duero wine Jacinta
We tell you how to prepare this roast suckling lamb in our blog.Minimum guaranteed freshness: 3 days.Minimum guaranteed weight:600 gPackaging:empty.Cut: 1 piece (front shoulder, includes 1/2 neck).Serving: ideal for 2 persons.