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Ginseng Siberian Root Ground, 75 grams jar "vacuum packed"
Ginseng Siberian Root Ground
Siberian Ginseng or Eleutherococcus.
Siberian Ginseng or Eleutherococcus
Siberian ginseng was used by the astrounauts in their travels outside the Earth.
It was used in the Chernobyl disaster to reduce the effects of radiation.
Siberian ginseng was used in the Chernobyl disaster to reduce the effects of radiation
Packaging: 75 grams in glass jar.
Packaging: 75 grams in glass jar
In powder form
Powder: Between 0.75 and 3 g, in 1-3 intakes per day
-Provides energy to the body. It can be used to better withstand the efforts, recover from illness, better resist heat or cold, endure altitude sickness, nuclear radiation, etc.. Medicinally it has been used to combat fibriomyalgia and chronic fatigue
-Combats stress.
It has been used medicinally to combat fibriomyalgia and chronic fatigue
Immunity-boosting. It has been used for the treatment of influenza or respiratory tract infections. It has been found to be very positive its ingestion for breast cancer. It has been found to be very positive for breast cancer
-Increases mental capacity. - -It increases mental capacity
-Improves circulation, lowers cholesterol and regulates the level of sugar in the blood. --It is a very effective treatment for breast cancer
-Stabilizes female hormones. It is also a great fortifier of the female hormones