Slim Body Shake 300g

from Productosdieteticos

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This formula has several ingredients that act synergistically to increase satiety and, consequently, improve diet control with less need for consumption of hypercaloric, nutritionally less dense foods (the so-called "sugar cravings") that compromise weight control.
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MAIN FEATURES: - Shake with high protein and fiber content. - Satiating and appetite-reducing effect. - Blend of 3 plant protein sources (pea, oat, and hemp). - Contains 300 mg of L-carnitine per serving.

Slim Body Shake GoldNutrition® is a functional, tasty, practical, and easily digestible shake, specially designed to support the success of weight reduction programs and more. The preservation and/or increase of muscle mass during weight loss is essential for improving body composition, thus promoting healthy and prolonged weight loss. Protein plays a very important role in increasing satiety. The consumption of fiber is also associated with greater satiety, as well as lower body weight, with a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases and obesity. This formula includes several ingredients that work synergistically to increase satiety and, consequently, improve diet control with less need for consumption of hypercaloric, nutritionally less dense foods (the so-called "sugar cravings") that compromise weight control.

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