Ingredients: Callos de ternera (50,9%) Morros de vacuno (12,4%) Chorizo ibérico (11,3 %) Magro y papada de cerdo ibérico, preparado para chorizo (Pimentón, sal, dextrina, dextrosa, estabilizante (E-450, E- 452), ajo, antioxidante (E-301), conservador (E-252), colorante (E-120, E124) y aroma de humo) y tripa natural de cerdo. Tomate frito (9%)(180 g de tomate para elaborar 100 g de tomate frito), aceite de girasol, azúcar, almidón modificado de patata, sal, cebolla y ajo. Cebolla (7,9%) Ajo en pasta (3%) Ajo fresco 92%, sal, antioxidante (ácido cítrico). El ajo contiene sulfitos presentes de forma natural. Aliño para callos (2,7%) Sal, especias, almidón, estabilizante (E 451i), potenciador de sabor (E 621) antioxidante (E 300), aroma natural y extracto de pimentón (E 160c) Espesante (2,5%) Almidones modificados y caramelo de azúcar. Aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico (0,3%)
Weight: 1Kg
The authentic recipe of stewed tripe with chorizo, ready to heat in the microwave and serve, an authentic taste that we get through raw materials of the highest quality, an improved recipe and our know-how in the kitchen, a delicacy ready to be enjoyed.
The authentic recipe of stewed tripe with chorizo, ready to heat in the microwave and serve, an authentic taste that we get through raw materials of the highest quality, an improved recipe and our know-how in the kitchen, a delicacy ready to be enjoyed
Keep refrigerated until consumption (Tª0-4ºC)
Food ready for consumption
Preferably consume cooked (In microwave heat for 2 minutes at 800 W)