Green tea is the oldest and most traditional tea and it is characterized because for its preparation the tea leaves are used without oxidation. It is therefore a non-oxidized tea
The Gunpowder is a green tea whose name seems to come from the form that adopt their leaves once brewed resembling these, to powder balls. These small balls are opened in the water and give a strong infusion of copper green colour and intense flavour. Almost all of it is produced in Pingshui, Zhejian province
Origin: China
Ingredients: Rolled green tea leaves
Ingredients: Green tea leaves
Color: Greenish - yellowish. Infusion: pale green to bright yellow
Preparation: Infuse 2-3 g of product in 200 ml of hot water.
Preparation: Infuse 2-3 g of product in 200 ml of hot water
????️Temperature: 75ºC
⏱️Time: 3-4 minutes